startup business

Cotchy Checklist for Starting a New Business. Cotchy Bookkeeping and Accounting

Checklist for Starting a Business in Australia

All businesses start with a skill, idea or opportunity. But you’ll need more than this to make your business successful. Planning, skills, people, time – and luck – are all important. The Cotchy startup checklist is a fantastic starting point for your business. Tick them off one at a time and make sure you are fully ready before launching into your new business.      

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ESOP Employee Share Option Plan. Cotchy Bookkeeping and Accounting

What is an Employee Share Option Plan, and why bother?

What is an Employer Share Option Plan, and why bother? An Employee Share Option Plan (ESOP) is a method of granting equity in a business to an employee over a period of time.  It really is as simple as it sounds – the employee receives options (or rights) to be granted real shares in the business, as long as they comply with the rules of the ESOP (Plan Rules).

What is an Employee Share Option Plan, and why bother? Read More »